The main segments of tea production can be divided into several very important stages, most of which have remained unchanged for many centuries:

Plucking (harvesting)
Processing – Withering, rolling, fermentation (oxidization), drying (firing) and sorting of tea Tea testing and grading Blending and packing.


As you watch the steam rise from your favourite cup of this exceptionally delicious tea, as it starts to take on an attractive hue and as its delicate aroma gradually permeates the space around you, do you stop for a moment to think about the impressive path this tea has taken before finally becoming the wonderful drink before you which will awaken and tingle your senses?
Do you wonder how many professionals who are passionate about their work has been a part of this process? Do you ever wonder exactly how your favourite tea – a necessary and important part of day-to-day life – finally reaches you?

The production of tea is one of the most complex, multi-staged and, most importantly, delicate processes demanding special attention. In fact, it seems to be somewhat of an unusually mysterious ritual, with its own traditions and peculiarities; a process that is governed neither by time nor technological progress. Indeed, despite the widespread modernization of most manufacturing processes, the early stages of tea production (harvesting/plucking) continues to be performed through manual labour, which greatly increases its value.

Do you know

What are the benefits of green tea?

Lots of people think that green tea keeps their weight in check. It was used as a medicine thousands of years ago and used from lowering blood pressure to preventing cancer.
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